Brit Milah / Baby Naming
When a Jewish child enters the world, it is truly a new beginning. This new soul brings light and joy to the family and the community. The ancient covenant (Brit) of Abraham is performed on baby boys who are eight days old. Brit Mila (Circumcision) is the ancient ceremony of removing the foreskin and naming the child. Sephardim have the tradition of naming the child after the living. Once the Brit Mila and naming are complete, the child is now ready to grow up and learn the meaning of living as a Jewish child.
It is also customary for the family of the newborn to attend Shabbat morning services on the Shabbat following the birth of their child. The newborn’s father (and other family members) are called to the Torah for an Aliyah and blessing from the clergy. For baby girls, the naming is often announced to the community at this time.
To inquire about a Brit Milah or baby naming ceremony, please contact the temple office.

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Celebrating a New Union
Finding one’s soulmate is perhaps the most important decision that a person will ever make in their lifetime. The union of a man and women is the beginning of a new Jewish family. Marriage requires an investment of love, dedication and energy and the yield can be the development of a warm and happy Jewish home. At STTI, we are honored to provide the space in which you will begin your life as husband and wife.
The wedding ceremony consists of the writing of the Tenaim (marriage conditions) and the Ketubah (marriage contract). The groom must also veil the bride in remembrance of the matriarch Rebecca. Next comes the Chuppah where the actual wedding takes place. Usually the Chuppah is performed under a canopy or taleth. The groom will make the declaration “Behold you are betrothed to me in accordance with the law of Moses and Israel” and will then place the gold ring on the index finger of his new bride. After the ceremony, the family and friends enjoy singing and dancing to celebrate the creation of a new Jewish unit.
To inquire about the availability of the sanctuary and banquet hall for weddings, please get in touch.

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Funeral, Mourning and Unveiling
The loss of a loved one, a painfully inevitable part of life, is arguably the time when we need the support and guidance of Jewish tradition the most. Our synagogue family is particularly sensitive to the needs of mourners. Our clergy are always available to assist you, comfort your family in your hour of need and officiate at the funerals of your loved ones. To discuss purchase of cemetery property on a pre-need basis, contact the temple office.

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B’nai Mitzvot
A Bar or Bat Mitzvah is an ancient covenant for young Jews that marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. This transition customarily occurs at the age of twelve for young women and at the age of thirteen for young men. Bar/Bat Mitzvah translates to “son/daughter of the commandment” and the implication is that now the young man or woman is responsible for his/her own actions. Under Jewish law, children are not required to observe the commandments until they reach Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
The Bar Mitzvah marks the time when young men read from the Torah and put on Tefillin for the first time, which they complete during a weekday morning service. It is also customary for young men to be called to the Torah on Shabbat morning to read from the weekly Parashah . Similarly, the Bat Mitzvah marks the time when young women take on Jewish responsibilities. They participate in Kabbalat Shabbat services on Friday evening and are also called on to read the weekly selection from the sacred Prophetic Books of the Tanach on Shabbat morning. On Shabbat, both young men and women make a speech before the congregation to discuss what the Bar/Bat Mitzvah transition means to them, to explain the meaning of the portions they read that day and to thank their family for supporting them through this special milestone. Once the ceremony and service is complete, it is time to celebrate the momentous occasion with Kiddush and delicacies.
To learn more about our bar and bat mitzvah programs, please contact the temple office.

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