This week, in the Parasha Naso, we find the BIRKAT KOHANIM where the word “Shalom” is mentioned, which means peace. It is the last word of the famous blessing that the Kohanim pronounce to bless the people of Israel.
The people of Israel seek and long for peace. We greet and bless each other with the word “Shalom.”
Sometimes we are forced to defend ourselves when we are attacked, since anti-Semitism has always existed. It is unfortunate that, throughout history, there have always been those who want to eliminate us and, furthermore, when we defend ourselves, they accuse us of being the villains. However, the reality is that the people of Israel have always wanted to live in peace and tranquility. Most human beings want to live in a world where peace and harmony reign.
We ask God to make peace between us, as we say in the prayer: “Ose Shalom Bimromav, Hu Yaase Shalom Aleinu.” He, who makes peace on high, may he make peace between us.
God also wants there to be peace in the world. So why have we failed to achieve true and lasting peace? The Torah teaches us that, for divine blessing to reach the world, a very important requirement is necessary. What is that requirement? Love! God blesses us every day because that is his desire and because he loves us.
The challenge is that, for that blessing to reach the world, we must become recipients of divine blessing, and this is only possible through love between us. To achieve world peace, it is necessary for all human beings to work and strive to overcome our personal ego. It is our ego that prevents us from loving our neighbor. It is our ego that does not allow us to forgive, be more sensitive, understanding and generous.
In the blessing pronounced by the Kohanim, the following is said: “You commanded us to bless the people of Israel with LOVE.” Only through love can the blessing of peace come.
Let us first do our part: let us strive to overcome our ego, love our fellows and, along with this, pray to God to bless us with peace in Israel and world peace. If we make this effort with love and humility, we will surely achieve the long-awaited world peace.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Refael Cohen