In our parasha Vayigash, the Torah recounts the touching reunion of Joseph with his brothers and with his father, Jacob.
When the brothers discovered that Joseph, whom they had sold into slavery, had become the most powerful man in Egypt after Pharaoh, the brothers felt a mixture of shame and fear of possible retaliation.
However, Joseph demonstrated extraordinary greatness: he not only forgave them, but assumed the responsibility of caring for them, providing them with everything necessary for a dignified and peaceful life.
Joseph’s attitude leaves us with an invaluable lesson: responding to the evil received with kindness and generosity. Forgiving and doing good even to those who have hurt us requires a deep level of understanding, compassion and self-control.
How did Joseph achieve this lofty perspective?
Joseph understood that his brothers’ actions, although malicious, were part of a divine plan. He recognized that what had happened, although painful, was a necessary step to fulfill a greater purpose: to become the viceroy of Egypt and save his family and all of humanity from starvation.
Instead of focusing on past suffering, he chose to focus on the positive outcome. Thus, he interpreted events from a broader perspective, seeing in them the hand of Hashem.
Yosef teaches us to look at the blank page instead of the black spot stain that may be on the page. He invites us to find the positive even in adversity, trusting that everything is part of a divine plan.
Let us follow his example by attributing to God all our difficulties and look for the light that Hashem has placed there in each situation.
By doing so, we will transform anguish into tranquility, knowing that we are an active part of a greater purpose that, over time, will reveal itself as a benefit to our lives.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Refael Cohen