Parashat Nitzavim


Parashat Nitzavim

In our parasha the Torah leaves us a very clear message about the infinite love that God has for each one of us. God understands us and lets us know that despite the fact that during the year we have not behaved in accordance with what is established in his commandments, we are still his children, and he loves us as we are, with all our mistakes and errors.

For this reason, he invites us to present ourselves before him on Rosh Hashana, the anniversary of the creation of the human being, just as we are, with sincerity and authenticity, with the aim of renewing our commitment to our mission in the world. For God, this anniversary party is very important and awaits each individual with immense emotion and joy, regardless of their spiritual situation.  The only thing he asks of us is that we show up at this party, all united, with much love and with one heart.

For God, union and love of our fellows is the most important thing and this is the best gift that we can bring with us when we come to his anniversary party. As human beings, each individual is a whole world by itself and completely different from others by the way of thinking, ideology and self-identity.

What the Torah suggests to us is to learn to bridge the differences and get to the points that bring us closer and unite us.  We can think differently, but in the end, we are brothers and sisters and part of the same family. Instead of doing everything possible to change the other person’s mind, we should focus on changing ourselves.

God invites us to look inside ourselves and to connect spiritually with our soul. Life is like when we lose the cell phone connection, sometimes we become disconnected from our own inner selves. On this Rosh Hashana, we try to reconnect with ourselves, with our soul.  By connecting with our spiritual part, we will be reconnecting with God our creator. We all have a spiritual soul that is a part of God. By loving others, our soul reconnects with their soul and therefore with God.

May we all have a good and sweet year and may we be registered in the book of life, health, joy, love, and sustenance with abundance.  Peace in Israel and the world.


Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova Umetuka.

Rabbi Refael Cohen



Important note!

On Rosh Hashana eve, when the woman lights the candles of the Chag, it is recommended to make a verbal announcement that she’s NOT accepting Chag and Shabbat along the next year by lighting the candles, but only by the time that appears in the legitimate calendars.

In that way she can follow the Sephardic custom.

FIRST say the Beracha and THEN light the candles.

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